The frequent wet weather this year forced us to work over the Easter weekend, as the sun was finally out and more rain was forecasted for the week after Easter.
Still, rain clouds were hanging around, so as per usual installation procedure we first concentrated on getting all materials on site, then on the construction of the steel base foundation. We managed to finish the build by the Tuesday after Easter.
Another steel base foundation - we think they are ideal for log cabin garden sheds. The site was leveled and had all vegetation removed, black builders plastic was placed on top of the soil, and held down with a thin layer of gravel. This makes sure that NOTHING will grow back underneath the cabin. Note that these preparation works are normally carried out by you as the site owner.
Instead of bolting the stump feet into concrete pads we prefer to insert gal steel posts into the stump holes and secure them with rapid set concrete. This ensures that your cabin is firmly anchored into the ground and is never susceptible to strong winds.
2024 shapes up to be one of the wettest years on record. We ideally need 2 to 4 consecutive days of dry weather, to organise our crew and making sure that the new owners of the cabin are happy with the scheduled build date.
The images on the left were taken at the start of the second build day, both the treated pine base frame and the first layers of the wall logs show sign of the overnight rain. After rain we take all care not to carry too much mud and dirt into the cabin, but sometimes this simply can not be avoided.
Luckily, the sun came out later that day, drying out everything nicely. The detail photo of the electrical leads shows the way we run the leads through the treated pine base frame into the centre of the log walls.
Always a major step forward - the tightly fitting tongue and groove timber roof boards make the cabin 99% water proof. On top of these Australian made COLORBOND corrugated iron is installed, making sure your cabin will last for many years.
We use 40mm "top hat" metal battens, a must for subtropical regions, for areas South of Coffs Harbor hardwood battens are also ok to use. To keep your cabin cool in the summer and warm in the winter we also install R1.3 to R1.8 insulation (depending on your area). In short, Australian made roofing in the colour of your choice is a must to protect your cabin from the elements.
Amanda and Paul got the oiling of the cabin done immediately after it was finished, just in time before the rains returned. Protecting your new cabin from win and weather is a must - raw, untreated pine can not withstand what mother nature throws at it for any length of time. There are a number of suitable timber outdoor finishes available in both oil and paint. If you prefer to keep the original timber look of your cabin we recommend CUTEK oils that can be stained in lots of different color tones. NOTE - IMPORTANT - some color tones contain white pigments that under certain conditions can cause the wood surface to appear milky. Consequently, we do NOT recommend using "White Ash, Burnt Ash, Light Oak, Grey Mist and Smokey Grey".
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